Workforce Programs

An empowering career pathway for youth, educators, & more

Earn paid experience & credentials in early childhood education, IT, and other fields.

In collaboration with Community Education Network, our paid apprenticeship programs include workshops that build professional development and employability skills, as well as provide wrap-around services for participants in need of additional support.





Through ITAV Workforce Programs, individuals earn state and nationally recognized certifications and credentials in careers such as early childhood development where they are exposed to additional industry-related professions. ITAV Workforce Programs also seek to expose individuals of color to professions where there is a critical need for diversity in providers.

Early Childhood Workforce Program

Learn more about our early childhood education pathway

Participant Requirements

Earned Credentials

Additional Support

ITAV Pel Program

ITAV Pel Prep Course

It Takes A Village Family of Schools offers a PEL prep course to help support teachers with strategic test taking strategies as they progress towards passing the Content Test 206 exam.


Learn More & Apply.

Early Childhood Workforce Sessions

Summer Pre-Apprenticeship

Early childhood workforce apprentices ages 16 to 24 gain work experience through our 13-week program (90 days of subsidized pay) in one of the ITAV family of schools or one of our Early Childhood Workforce Partner Sites (Locations: Downtown, Loop, South, East and West sides of Chicago). Apprentices also gain certifications in First aid, CPR, and Food Handlers as well as the ECE Level 1 credential via Illinois Gateways to Opportunities.

Early Childhood Workforce Sessions

CDA Apprenticeship

Child Development Associate apprentices work in our year-long (270 days of subsidized pay) program towards the Nationally recognized CDA Credential (only available to those who are 18 and older and have a high school diploma or GED (not offered in the Summer Pre-Apprenticeship). Apprentices gain work experience in one of the ITAV family of schools or one of our Early Childhood Workforce Partner Sites (Locations: Downtown, Loop, South, East and West sides of Chicago). They also gain certifications in First aid, CPR, and Food Handlers as well as the ECE Level 1 credential via Illinois Gateways to opportunities.


Youth Workforce Programs

Information Technology (IT)

Youth ages 16 to 24 enrolled in the IT workforce training program will be set up for success to gain employment in IT help desk roles and more. Through our partnership with Urban Tech Academy, youth workers graduate from our program with a Cisco certification preparing them not only for employment in IT, but with knowledge in related fields such as robotics and web development.

Youth Workforce Programs

Other Areas

During the summer, ITAV hosts youth workers in a variety of fields including camp counseling, community organizing, media marketing, & more. In addition to paid part-time work and resume-building experience, youth workers ages 16 to 24 enrolled in our program also receive wrap-around services, career readiness training, and mentorship through weekly classes and one on one opportunities with program advisors.


Meet Our Program Leaders

Darrell Brown

Director of Teaching, Learning, and Quality Practice

Makeya Kelly

Manager of Workforce Programs

John Roberson

Counselor of Workforce Programs

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it takes a village