
a space for children to be engaged and challenged.

ITAV offers the gold standard in early childhood development with an unmatched academic focus.

Our schools are a place where children are treasured. Eager learners are encouraged to take the next step, to ask the next question, and to discover the next truth. We recognize that each child has unique talents, learning styles, and personalities. 

Our curriculum for ages 3 to 5 skillfully weaves artistic and practical disciplines into everyday academics. At ITAV, preschoolers learn to follow their curiosity, to think creatively, and to work both independently and cooperatively with others.

Additional Program Info

Our Staff

Learning Resources


Our Curriculum


Our program utilizes the Creative Curriculum for Preschool to offer a nurturing, safe, child-centered environment in which the child leads based upon their natural curiosity.  We believe that creating an environment that arouses children’s curiosity in conjunction with intentional teaching practices provides the opportunity for our five year olds to leave our center with the skills necessary to succeed in elementary school.

Our Curriculum


Our program infuses our Creative Curriculum with a Math component called Engage NY. Through this curriculum children learn numbers and counting, shapes and patterns, sorting objects by various attributes, introduction to number stories, charts, and measuring tools. Mathematical concepts and understanding will be explored through intentional hands-on experiences.

Our Curriculum


Our Science Curriculum encourages students to explore the world around them while introducing them to science concepts and vocabulary. Science is integrated into daily activities and thematic units.

Our Curriculum

Social Justice

Our Social Justice Curriculum is dedicated to providing a sound understanding of the world in which we live and an appreciation for the rich diversity of humankind. The curriculum reflects an age-appropriate, multidimensional, and project-based approaches to the study of people and the land. The goal is to give students a sense of others and the context of their place in the larger world. In order to achieve this we use the following framework: Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action.


14 years have passed since my story with ITAV began. I am so grateful to the ITAV family for allowing my three daughters and me to be part of their great family. There have been great moments and memories that will always remain in my mind. Thank you ITAV for your support and commitment.

My toddler’s face lights up with excitement every time we are approaching his school.  It gives me a great sense of comfort knowing that he is in great hands while I am away from him.

Christina F.
ITAV Parent and Family Support Staff Representative
Lameeka H.
ITAV Parent

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it takes a village